York Gardens & Tearoom

York Gardens & Tearoom


York Tea Company

Surrender Fields 250 Year Tea Party Commemorative Tea Tin 

Celebrating 250 years since the boycott dumping of tea in the       York River of Virginia, and the Boston Harbor.

This is 4 ounces of premium, organic Bohea black tea mixed with orange peal. This black tea blend originated in China and was traded to the East India Companies of the Dutch and British. Its smoky aroma and pine flavor comes from the tea's drying process. During the process the tea leaves are roasted above a pine fire.

It's the tea the colonists enjoyed and now you can too. Bohea tea, (pronounced “Boo-hee”) was far and wide the "tea" imported to the Americas during colonial times. Among the Colonists, Its popularity made way for its name to became the slang term for tea.

Bohea is the tea that would have been enjoyed on the battlefields, and Washington himself as he sat by the fire at his camp in Yorktown.

Jimmy's Recommendations: Use 1tsp. of looseleaf tea per 8oz. boiling water and let steep for 4 min., strain, add honey and a small amount of sugar and relax with your truly wonderful cup of the Colonist's tea. Jimmy also recommends adding a Tablespoon of your favorite vanilla bourbon. The smokey flavor of the tea and the vanilla bourbon pair well together and is a unique, enjoyable way to relax around the battlefield fire. If enjoying your tea with bourbon, please, do so responsibly.  

Retail: 16.50

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York Gardens Tearoom